Fine Girl Vintage

Fine Girl Vintage, led by owner Brandi Flyte, specializes in curating a selection of vintage wares that beautifully encapsulate the mid century modern era to the postmodern design movement. With Brandi's distinct vision and background, the collection showcases timeless pieces that carry the essence of these iconic design periods. Brandi Flyte brings a wealth of experience to Fine Girl Vintage. With 13 years as a licensed interior designer, Brandi's expertise shines through in her curation. Her journey in interior design has deepened her appreciation for the intricacies of each era's design philosophy, allowing her to select pieces that resonate with the essence of their time.

Brandi's discerning eye for detail ensures that each item in the Fine Girl Vintage collection meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity. Her background as an interior designer allows her to handpick pieces that not only exude the charm of the past but also seamlessly integrate into contemporary interiors.

Fine Girl Vintage offers a diverse range of vintage wares, spanning artwork, furniture, lighting, textiles, and accessories. This comprehensive collection allows enthusiasts to explore and integrate a variety of elements from mid century modern to postmodern design, creating captivating and unique living spaces.

Instagram: @finegirl_vintage 

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